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Keychain: CPG manufacturing platform

For business professionals in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry, Keychain offers a comprehensive platform that revolutionizes sourcing, supply chain, and procurement. This AI-powered tool boasts an extensive database with over 1 million products and 30,000 manufacturers, making it the world’s largest CPG database.


  • Search Functionality: Keychain allows users to search for products, categories, or manufacturers, providing easy access to a vast array of manufacturing data.
  • Manufacturing Capacity: With over $5 billion worth of manufacturing capacity on the platform, Keychain offers a wide range of options for businesses of all sizes.
  • Industry Adoption: Keychain is utilized by tens of thousands of the largest retailers and brands globally, demonstrating its credibility and reliability within the industry.

Keychain is designed to streamline the manufacturing process for CPG businesses, offering a one-stop solution for identifying manufacturing partners, optimizing production, and enhancing supply chain logistics. By leveraging AI technology, Keychain helps retailers and brands identify the best manufacturing partners, customize production solutions, and locate production and packaging partners in minutes.

Testimonials from industry professionals praise Keychain for its impressive database, ease of use, and ability to connect businesses with suitable manufacturing partners. Users commend the platform for its innovative approach to CPG manufacturing and its potential to drive better outcomes for businesses and consumers alike.

In conclusion, Keychain is a game-changing tool for CPG businesses seeking to enhance their manufacturing capabilities and optimize their supply chain operations. With its vast database, AI-powered features, and industry-leading adoption rate, Keychain provides a valuable resource for businesses looking to streamline their manufacturing processes and drive success in the competitive CPG market.


Keychain offers beta access to their tool upon request.

Visit keychain.com for more.

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Maziar Foroudian

Maziar Foroudian

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