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15 worst excuses not to be an entrepreneur

Think you don’t have enough time? Nice try. Here are the most common reasons people don’t take the plunge–and why they don’t hold up.

It’s likely that one of your excuses is that you don’t have enough time–so let’s get right to it:

1. I’m too scared.

Join the club. Every entrepreneur is scared.

So you have a choice: Let your fears hold you back… or use those same fears as fuel to do whatever it takes to succeed. Complacency is the enemy of achievement and fortunately fear drives complacency away.

2. I don’t have the right connections.

Between company websites and LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social media platforms you can reach almost anyone besides the Pope and maybe Bono. In fact some people are surprisingly accessible (maybe that’s one of the secrets of their success?).

…to read this article in full, visit leading US small business resource, Inc.

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