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Tag: Merchant

"Strong team dynamic", "complementary skill sets" and mutual understandings are probably how Myles and Piers Redward would answer the question. Being co-founders and co-CEOs of Payright, the latest payment plan provider in the market that targets at products and services with higher price point, the brothers are acutely aware of the opportunities and challenges in the billion dollar industry of "buy now, pay later".

Top10 Dynamic Entrepreneurs: The family duo behind Payright

friendly fraud
Small Business

How to deal with ‘friendly’ fraud when your business’s online customers aren’t so friendly


‘Tap and go’ reforms would save merchants $290m a year, says small business ombudsman


Shippit taps into BigCommerce customer base


Small retailers urged to trial not surcharging ahead of next year’s ban on excessive fees


Accepting online payments: the essentials

Small Business

Ecommerce partners: who’s right for you?

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