A new global survey has found that consumers are wracked with guilt over their printing habits, with many afraid that it may be contributing to their carbon footprint.
The survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of Lexmark International Inc. found that the majority of respondents cannot identify their largest potential environmental impact points when it comes to printing, and that women are more knowledgeable and guilt-ridden about their green practices than men.
The survey also found that the majority of respondents (91 percent) would rather fix a technology device under warranty than dispose of it, 85 percent would chose the most environmentally-conscious printing option and 75 percent feel guilty about printing unnecessary pages.
Tonya Jackson, director, sustainable technology and operations Lexmark, said the survey shows that consumers worldwide need more education and guidance on printing best practises, to avoid feeling guilty.
When comparing the sexes, it was found women are more prone to have a guilty conscious when it comes to their printing habits than men, with 71 percent of women claiming that they feel guilty when disposing of a device rather than repairing it, compared to only 63 percent of men.
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Green printing: save money and the environment