Every business has a good story to tell and must tell that story to its customers to grow and increase market share in a competitive environment. Public relations (PR) is a marketing investment that can help raise the public profile of your business over time to create a position of market leadership.
The people at Dennis Rutzou Public Relations (DRPR) in Sydney have often witnessed the great PR potential of small businesses and start-ups, yet see them suffer the frustration of not being able to commit to a full PR program at a time when it could make a significant contribution to their future.
That’s why they’ve developed PR Mentor, a cost effective 12-week group training and mentoring program specifically tailored to small businesses and start-ups.
DRPR and Dynamic Business are giving you the chance to win a spot on the 12-week group course in Sydney worth $3,300. In a series of six three-hour group sessions and three one-on-one sessions, you’ll learn about PR and swap ideas with likeminded business owners.
If you’d like a chance to win, just tell us the best PR stunt you’ve ever seen and why you think it was great. Email your entry to competitions@dynamicbusiness.com by 10 January 2011 with ‘PR Mentor’ in the subject line. The winner will be announced online in the week commencing 17 January 2011.