Just imagine spending little money with minimal effort and having all your customers, clients and employees know what’s going on or what you have to offer all in a split second. Sounds fictitious. Not in this day with our latest technology, you only need the internet and your target market mobile phone numbers.
So what is the solution?
Simply, it’s SMS (Short Message Service). Text messaging is now recognised as the fastest growing communication tool in reaching hundreds, thousands and millions of mobile users every day. Here are some interesting facts about SMS. Over 90% of SMS are read within 3 minutes of receiving them. Interestingly, most mobile users read the message as soon as they receive them. And around 98% of mobile users are likely to read an SMS by the end of the day. Compare this with emails. Only 20% of emails are opened by the end of the day.
Over the past ten years the number of SMS sent monthly has increased by more than 7,700%! That’s a staggering statistic. From research carried out over the past two years and provided by eWeek, 80% of people are using texting for business while one-third of business professionals cannot go more than 10 minutes without replying to a text message. And according to ContactBabel 2018 Report, SMS has decreased the price of a customer service call from dollars to cents per session.
So who do you contact about sending and receiving SMS for your business?
In Australia there are a number of reliable and effective SMS bulk, gateway and marketing providers who possess the information technology hardware (known as API Platforms) to convert your email or mobile phone message to a format that can be sent to groups of people. As a business, whether you are a start-up or small business, you want to make sure you’re not spending unnecessary money for marketing or communications that goes nowhere.
By sending SMS to specific audiences you can get your message across directly whether it is a new product or a service, a reminder, a confirmation, an urgent piece of information, or simply an update to keep well informed. The SMS Providers will be able to distribute your short text message and within seconds, or the latest, minutes the mobile users will receive it. The SMS Provider has also the capacity to have people respond to your text if they wish. In that way you have a two way communication with your customer or staff.
So where do I find out about these SMS Providers?
Go into www.smscomparison.com.au and look at the features, pricing, reliability and customer service of various reputable SMS providers in Australia. The SMS Comparison Table and associated sites have been prepared free of charge to anyone. It was developed by a group of experts in the SMS field who were constantly asked questions about the comparison between different SMS providers. Now that they do not work in that particular field, they can provide independent and unbiased reviews of SMS Providers.
What does SMS for your business?
The statistics stand on their own. SMS is a more effective means of marketing and communicating than the business website (65%) and display advertisers (59%). One third of us check our mobile within 5 minutes of waking up in the morning and 70% use our mobiles during meal times. If that’s not enough, over 90% of us read a SMS within 3 minutes of receiving it. That why SMS is the most effective communication tool available for your business NOW!