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Clari Revenue Platform is a business tool that aims to streamline the revenue process for companies. By consolidating spend, simplifying technology, and accelerating results, Clari provides a unified platform to create, convert, and close deals. The tool offers various benefits, including an increase in pipeline created, a decrease in slipped deals, and an increase in win rates.

The Clari Revenue Platform is specifically designed to help businesses take control of their revenue process. Whether it’s internal activities like deal inspections, forecast calls, or external activities like prospecting and building mutual action plans with buyers, Clari supports these processes with conviction and confidence. It recognizes revenue as the most essential business process and provides the tools to effectively manage it.

One of the main challenges in the revenue process is the lack of visibility. While the revenue formula remains the same (Pipeline x Conversion = Revenue), the pipeline creation is often a black box and conversion rates can be inconsistent. Clari addresses this issue by providing full visibility across the entire lead and deal lifecycle. With this insight, companies can run a tight process and have trust in their revenue forecast.

Another common challenge is the inefficiency of the old way of managing deals, such as manually inspecting deals and jotting down actions for sellers. Clari offers a new approach by closing the loop between insight and action. Sellers can access the insights they need and take action within the flow of work, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

Clari – Features

  • Forecasting & RevOps – Replace spreadsheets and improve forecast accuracy
  • Conversation intelligence – Real-time coaching and analysis of recorded calls
  • Sales engagement – Drive pipeline creation and execution
  • Deal inspection & management – Close the loop between insight and action
  • Mutual action plans & deal rooms – Encourage collaboration between buyers and sellers
  • Capture – Capture and organize sales data effectively
  • Revenue Platform – Single, unified platform for all revenue-critical technology
  • Cost reduction, complexity reduction, and accelerated revenue results.

Clari – Pricing

Clari offers a pricing plan with no platform fees, scalable by user, including a premier customer support package. It allows users to start anywhere and upgrade later.
Visit clari.com for more.

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Maziar Foroudian

Maziar Foroudian

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