Michael Kava is the Founder and Director of Little Marketing,
providing leading marketing advice for small business. Michael
and his team provide consulting, results driven marketing
workshops and guest speaker seminars to help small business
define their point of difference and stand out from the crowd.
Marketing is any type of communication – any part of the business that communicates with the outside world is marketing. The best marketing is done subtly. So what is subtle marketing and who does it the best?
In our extremely over communicated marketplace, brands deliver a multitude of messages in an attempt to talk to prospective customers. This makes it all the more important to practise what you preach, or risk your message not matching what you actually deliver.
We’re at the beginning of another financial year, which is the perfect time to work on your business. Whether you had a marketing plan last financial year or not, here are seven ways to get a head start for the next 12 months.